I/We appoint F & I Management Pty Ltd A.B.N. 58 074 537 036, ACL 378 293 and its associated entities, and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed to assist in providing services to me/us as my/our agents to arrange, and assist in the management of, finance and/or insurance facilities as detailed in Section 5 hereof.
This appointment also allows the appointee to perform a credit check through a credit reporting agency on me/us.
In this document:
I/We agree that under the Privacy Act, a Credit Provider or an insurer which F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed may approach in arranging my/our finance (hereinafter an “Approached Credit Provider”or “insurer”), may give to and seek from a credit reporting agency and other credit providers certain personal information about my/our application for finance.
The information which may be given to an agency is covered by the Act and includes:
By virtue of this declaration, I/we understand that F & I MANAGEMENT PTY LTD it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed have informed me/us of the disclosure policy to a credit reporting agency of information about me/us by Approached Credit Providers and so authorise such disclosures.
I/We agree that, if it is considered relevant in assessing my/our application for personal credit, an Approached Credit Provider may obtain a report about my/our commercial activities or commercial credit worthiness from a business which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons.
I/We agree that, if it is considered relevant in assessing my/our application for commercial credit, an Approached Credit Provider may obtain from a credit reporting agency a credit report containing personal credit information about me/us.
I/We authorise my/our employer, previous employers and my accountant to release any information deemed necessary to my/our application to F&I Management Pty Ltd , its associated entities and any authorised credit representative it has appointed and the Approached Credit Providers for the purpose of assessing my/our application.
I/We agree that an Approached Credit Provider may give to and seek from any credit providers named in the accompanying finance application, and any credit providers that may be named in a personal or commercial credit report issued by a credit reporting agency or commercial credit reporting agency respectively, information about my/our personal or commercial credit arrangements. I/We understand that this information can include any information about my/our credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity that credit providers are allowed to give or receive from each other under the Privacy Act.
For the purpose of arranging the finance which is the subject of my/our application, the details of which appear below, I/we authorise F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed to obtain, on my/our behalf, a report about my/our consumer and commercial credit worthiness from a credit reporting agency or a commercial credit reporting business or from a credit provider named in my/our application or referred to in such reports.
I/We also authorise F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed to pass on the above obtained reports to such Approached Credit Providers as are appropriate for their consideration of this application.
I/We acknowledge and agree that:
a) it is necessary for F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed to collect personal information regarding me/us from both ourselves and other parties, to enable F & I Management Pty Ltd it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed to apply, on my/our behalf, for the finance and insurance facilities requested. I/We understand that if I/we do not provide the information then F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed will not be able to seek the requested facilities from Approached Credit Providers and Insurers.
b) the information collected may be disclosed to and used by, F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities, any authorised credit representatives it has appointed, Approached Credit Providers and Insurers to the degree that each entity considers reasonable and necessary in considering and arranging the requested facilities.
c) F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities, any authorised credit representatives it has appointed, Approached Credit Providers and Insurers may provide information collected as above to any parties (such as referees, employers etc) named in the application to the extent they deem necessary to assist in assessing and arranging the requested facilities.
d) F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorized credit representative it has appointed may retain the information obtained and, at its discretion, provide to me/us, from time to time information about F & I Management Pty Ltd, its associated entities and any authorized credit representatives, products and services. The provision of this may be by telephone, mail or electronic media (such as e-mail.)
e) F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorized credit representative may disclose relevant parts of my/our personal information to third parties it engages, to assist in the provision of its services to me/us including mailing houses and IT contractors.
f) The appointment provided herein is an ongoing one and if an Approached Credit Provider or Insurer has, as a result of an application on my/our behalf by F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities or any authorised credit representatives it has appointed, provided facilities to me/us then that Credit Provider or Insurer is authorised to provide information to F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives from time to time relating to the subsequent conduct of the facility.
g) I/We can gain access to the personal information I/we have provided, or obtain more information from F & I Management Pty Ltd, and it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives Privacy Policy, by contacting F & I Management Pty Ltd at any branch or at the Head Office at Unit 6, 205 Alexander Road, Belmont, 6104.
You can also access F&I Management Pty Ltd Privacy policy at www.westcorp.com.au.
h) SENSITIVE INFORMATION: We will only collect sensitive information about you with your consent. Sensitive information is personal information that includes information relating to your racial or ethnic origin, political persuasion, membership in trade or professional associations or trade unions, sexual preferences, criminal record, or health.
Purpose: To arrange Finance and/or Insurance Facilities Finance/insurance Amount: $ __________
I/we acknowledge that I/we have read and fully understand the contents of this document. I/We also warrant that the personal information provided by me/us in our application is true and correct and understand that F & I Management Pty Ltd, it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed will be relying on the integrity of same in seeking to arrange the facilities required.
I/we declare that I/we are not bankrupt.
Authorisation To Provide Personal Information To A Third Party
A third party in this section refers to the supplier of the goods being purchased and/or the referrer.
I/We agree that F & I Management Pty Ltd, and it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed may also disclose to the third party personal information which it has received about me/us relating to the progress and ultimate decision by the Approached Credit and/or Insurance Provider/s on my finance and/or Insurance application. Such information may include:
In providing this authority, I/we acknowledge that F & I Management Pty Ltd, and it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives it has appointed have no control over the personal information once it is passed to the third party, and consequently can not be held responsible or liable in any way for the use or misuse of the information by the third party.
This consent extends to employees, servants and agents of the above-nominated Third Party.
Borrower’s Name: ______________________________ Borrower’s Name: _________________________________
Borrower’s Signature: __________________________ Borrower’s Signature: ______________________________
Date: _____/_____/____________ Date: _____/_____/____________
I/We agree that the Approached Credit Provider may seek a credit report concerning me/us from a credit reporting agency to assess whether to accept me/us as a guarantor of the finance commitments for the above-named Applicant Parties.
I/We also agree to F & I Management Pty Ltd, and it’s associated entities and any authorised credit representatives is has appointed, Approached Credit Providers and Insurers collecting, retaining, disclosing and using my/our personal information to the degree and for the purposes described in paragraphs 4 and 5 above and as described in the privacy act.
I/We understand that I/we can obtain access to the personal information I/we have provided as described in paragraph 4(g) above.
Guarantors Agreement:
Guarantor’s name: ___________________________ Guarantor’s Name:________________________________
Guarantor’s Signature: ________________________ Guarantor’s Signature: _____________________________
Date: ______/______/___________ Date: ______/______/____________
F & I Management Pty Ltd
ABN 58 074 537 036 ACL 378 293
PH: 61 8 9373 1555 FX: 61 8 9373 1553 [email protected]